Aristóteles medieval atribuido a Berruguete sobre cabezas clásicas del Estagirita

The Ignacio Larramendi Foundation took an important step forward by digitally putting together a wide range of Aristotelian studies, thus drawing a new line in the creation of virtual libraries. In fact, it is a question of virtually bringing together the very works of an author, Aristotle, and of essential titles of Western culture, Politics, Rhetoric and Ethics, which have been brought together thanks to a precise set of metadata and a structure of the information designed for this purpose.

The first step was taken with the publication of Comentarios a la Política de Aristóteles en la Europa Medieval y Moderna (siglos XIII al XVII) whose Foreword was signed by Lourdes Martínez Gutiérrez, widow of Hernando de Larramendi and President of the Ignacio Larramendi, on 9 October 2008. The book was launched on 14 December 2008.

In the Epilogue of the same book, Xavier Agenjo, Project Director of the Ignacio Larramendi Foundation announced a change in methodology when it came to bringing together the work of Aristotle's commentators and this was by publishing the editions then collected on two DVDs that accompanied the book on its corresponding website.

Corrected and augmented edition

Naturally, a new review of the bibliographical descriptions and even the attributions of the books that made up the collection was carried out, taking into account the comments of the readers of the book, the reviews published and in particular that of Professor Gustavo Bueno Sánchez, who, in addition to being an eminent historian of Philosophy History is also an expert in telecommunications and information technologies, and whose review appeared in the digital magazine Catoblepas.

This new digital edition not only presents the commentators to Aristotle's Politics, but also the first steps of what will be the collections of the commentators to Ethics and to Rhetoric of the Greek philosopher. Iusnaturalism will be treated similarly

Naturally, this digital edition is accompanied by the Introduction prepared for this purpose by Salvador Rus Rufino, Professor at the University of Leon and Director of the Institute of Humanism and Classical Tradition.