All works: online and free text

Caja de la edición digital en discos contenidos en un cofre

We give access to the works that were published electronically in a very pioneering way, in 1999. The edition was made in free text and was included in a CD_ROM that was presented inside a box, as seen in the image.

Menéndez Pelayo digital brought together and, therefore, the same thing happens here, the entire printed work of the great Santander polygraph, both his works and his epistolary and other texts related to him.

Obras completas

  • It includes the text of the so-called "National Edition" (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1940-1966. 67 volumes).


  • Edited on the edition made by the Fundación Universitaria Española (Madrid: FUE, 1982-1991, 23 volumes).


  • Collect more than 3,000 records of monographs, general studies, magazine articles, reviews, press articles, etc., about the life and work of Menéndez Pelayo.

Other works

  • Xavier Agenjo's study on Menéndez Pelayo y el estudio de la imprenta en Santander.