(Granada, España, 1548 - Lisboa, Portugal, 1617)
"Francisco Suárez S.J., conocido como Doctor Eximius (Granada, 5 de enero de 1548 - Lisboa, 25 de septiembre de 1617), fue un teólogo, filósofo y jurista jesuita español."
"Francisco Suárez (5 January 1548 - 25 September 1617) was a Spanish Jesuit priest, philosopher and theologian, one of the leading figures of the School of Salamanca movement, and generally regarded among the greatest scholastics after Thomas Aquinas. His work is considered a turning point in the history of second scholasticism, marking the transition from its Renaissance to its Baroque phases. According to Christopher Shields and Daniel Schwartz, "figures as distinct from one another in place, time, and philosophical orientation as Leibniz, Grotius, Pufendorf, Schopenhauer, and Heidegger, all found reason to cite him as a source of inspiration and influence."
Related links
Francisco Suárez. Recursos en línea de Sydney Penner
Acton Institute. Figuras Históricas
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