(Zaragoza, España, 1085/1090 - Fez, Marruecos, 1139)
"Ibn Bayyah (ابن باجة) de nombre completo Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn al-Sa'ig ibn Bayyah (أبو بكر محمد بن يحيى بن الصايغ), más conocido como Avempace, fue un filósofo de Al-Ándalus, nacido en Zaragoza, capital de la Taifa de Saraqusta, hacia 1080 y muerto en Fez en 1139, que cultivó además la medicina, la poesía, la física, la botánica, la música y la astronomía."
"Avempace (c. 1085 - 1138) is the Latinate form of Ibn Bâjja (Arabic: ابن باجه), full name Abû Bakr Muḥammad Ibn Yaḥyà ibn aṣ-Ṣâ'igh at-Tûjîbî Ibn Bâjja al-Tujibi (أبو بكر محمد بن يحيى بن الصائغ), a medieval Andalusian: his writings include works regarding , , and , as well as philosophy, medicine, botany, and poetry. He was the author of the Kitab al-Nabat ("The Book of Plants"), a popular work on botany, which defined the sex of plants.His philosophic ideas had a clear effect on Ibn Rushd(Averroes) and Albertus Magnus. Most of his writings and book were not completed (or well-organized) because of his early death. He had a vast knowledge of medicine, mathematics and astronomy. His main contribution to Islamic philosophy is his idea on soul phenomenology, which was never completed. Avempace was, in his time, not only a prominent figure of philosophy, but also of music and poetry. His diwan (Arabic: collection of poetry) was rediscovered in 1951. Though many of his works have not survived, his theories on astronomy and physics were preserved by Maimonides and Averroes respectively, which had a subsequent influence on later astronomers and physicists in the Islamic civilization and Renaissance Europe, including Galileo Galilei. The Ibn Bajja crater on the Moon is named in his honor."Ver más
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